coffea arabica microclimate arborized with dwarf coconut palm
and rubber tree in Mococa, SP, Brazil***
CAMARGO*, Marcelo B.P.,
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Figure 1. Relation between five days average values of absolute maximum temperatures (Tmax) for unshaded coffee and dwarf coconut palm (A) and rubber tree (B) and of absolute minimum temperatures (Tmin) for unshaded coffee and dwarf coconut palm (C) and rubber tree (D), during the period of 08/31/2006 to 12/31/2007. |
results were due to an average reduction in net radiation by 31% for
PAL and 86% for RUB, besides wind velocity that was 50% lower for
RUB in comparison to PAL. The plots yield in 2006 was approximately
of 26, 29, 37 sacks.ha-1 for UNS, PAL and RUB,
respectively. These results show the effect of reduction in maximum
temperatures as a result of the arborization system, as it was
already demostrated by CARAMORI et al. (1996) – which makes the
environment more suitable for Coffea arabica, once it is
adapted to conditions of altitude tropical climate, demanding colder
temperatures. Therefore, the arborization has become a tecnological
option to yield increase in subtropical climates.
arborizated systems decreased the maximum temperature up to 1.5ºC
and 2.0°C in dwarf coconut palm and rubber tree systems,
respectively, and promoted the increase of yield.
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*Instituto Agronômico, Campinas, SP, BRAZIL, e-mail:
** Pólo APTA Nordeste Paulista, Mococa, SP, BRAZIL
*** Supported by FAPESP
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Dados para citação bibliográfica(ABNT):
CAMARGO, M.B.P.; ROLIM, G.S.; SOUZA, P.; GALLO, P.B. Air temperature in Coffea arabica microclimate arborized with dwarf coconut palm and rubber tree in Mococa, SP, Brazil.
2009. Artigo em Hypertexto. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em:Publicado no Infobibos em 09/03/2009